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League 2 Learn

Summoner's Rift

Sunday, February 1st

Are you ready to develop and improve education for children of all ages and skills? Are you ready to be rewarded for your hard work and dedication? Are you ready to pwn n00bs on Summoner’s Rift for the benefit of others? How about challenging the Jet Presidents? Well get ready to grab your mice, keyboards, and gaming mechanics because Fountain Valley KIWIN’S and OCSA KIWIN’S are hosting a League of Legends Tournament for Live 2 Learn!

Support Live 2 Learn by inviting your team and competing in the tournament. The price is $5 per person, or $25 total for the team (substitutes are free). Proceeds will go to support Live 2 Learn, which helps fund education in low income areas, allowing us to give children everywhere the opportunity to develop themselves! 

The tournament will be draft mode and use a double-elimination bracket. Games will be best out of 3, and Semifinals/Finals will be best out of 5. Teams must have 5 main players with a maximum of 2 substitutes. This tournament is open to both high school and collegiate teams! Registration closes on January 21st and fees are due on January 31st!

Matches will be streamed @
The bracket can be viewed @
The winning team may play against 5 of the Jet presidents.



PRIZES (per player):

1st = 3200 RP + Triumphant Ryze Skin + a chance to play against the presidents of Jet!
2nd = 2400 RP + a 490 RP mystery skin!
3rd = 1600 RP
4th = 800 RP

Substitutes of the top winning teams will receive a mystery skin!


1. Be respectful. Toxic, inappropriate, or negative behavior of any sort that is seen as detrimental to any team may result in disqualification. 

2. Be on time. Be online at least 10 minutes prior to the time of your game. Failure to be prompt will result in an automatic loss for your team. 

3. Be sure to pay the tournament fee. Failure to do so will result in your inability to participate in the tournament. If there is any difficulty, please contact either of the event coordinators and we'll work things out. We also take Paypal payments, so contact Calvin Chau for that option!

4. If you disconnect or can't play, please make sure that a substitute can fill your role or else your team must fight a 4v5.

5. Players MUST be level 30 to compete and do not need to be ranked. However, if the player is above Diamond Division I, we unfortunately cannot accept them.


1. SIGN UP HERE by January 21st

2. Get your team's dues to either Calvin Chau (FVHS) or Emily Nguyen (OCSA).

3. Looking for teammates? Join our tournament's TeamBuilder group page: League 2 Learn TeamBuilder


Message Calvin Chau or Em ILy or email them at or



© 2014 - 2015 Fountain Valley KIWIN'S - Carol Wann, Technology Chair. All Rights Reserved.


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